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OutSystem Services

Guarding Against Cyber Threats: Security Features in OutSystems You Need to Know

Experience the excellence of OutSystems security: the leading low-code platform offering a safe environment and tools for app development.

EvonSys_Guarding Against Cyber Threats Security Features in OutSystems You Need to Know

Guarding Against Cyber Threats: Security Features in OutSystems You Need to Know

  • The leading low-code platform
  • Trusted by global customers for rapid app development
  • Crafted by detail-oriented engineers 

When you're linked to prestigious titles in your industry, it's crucial to prioritize speed, safety, and security. OutSystems excels in this regard. The service balances quick development with strong security features. It provides a robust runtime environment and vital tools designed for secure app creation. OutSystems safeguards against major threats identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). Additionally, it enhances app security by integrating built-in defences against significant risks. The platform further strengthens application security by implementing additional protective measures like: 

  • Platform upgrades for widespread security feature availability. 
  • Pre-built components simplifying security tasks (e.g., data encryption, Identity Management integration). 
  • Role-based access control for application changes and deployment.
  • AI Security Mentor: an AI-driven code review tool for identifying development-introduced vulnerabilities. 

Now that we've covered the basics, let's simplify the details regarding OutSystems security by dividing it into two categories: the platform's built-in security features and the best practices for maximizing application security within OutSystems. 

OutSystems' Security Features in Detail   

Secure Code Patterns: OutSystems incorporates secure code patterns within its high-level building blocks, automatically safeguarding applications from common web and mobile vulnerabilities. Embedded in the generated .NET code, these patterns protect against prevalent threats such as injection attacks and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). 

Escaping and XSS Protection: Ensuring secure rendering of content by default is a seamless feature that simplifies the security process in OutSystems. All untrusted HTTP request data is automatically escaped based on context within the HTML output (body, attribute, JavaScript, CSS, or URL), effectively mitigating reflected and stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. 

Mobile App Security: OutSystems services follows a meticulous approach to mobile app development. It ensures that the generated code complies with the stringent specifications set by Android and iOS for heightened security and performance. 

Session Security: The platform incorporates built-in protections against session fixation attacks. It dynamically changes session identifiers upon each login and rigorously validates session data, enhancing security by thwarting potential tampering attempts. 

Authentication Mechanism: OutSystems employs a robust built-in authentication mechanism that encrypts and securely stores user authentication information within two cookies. It is flexible and configurable per environment, accommodating diverse security requirements. 

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Using visual building blocks, developers can define and manage application-level permissions for specific roles, ensuring fine-grained access control. This mechanism dictates access privileges, allowing only authorized users to perform predefined business functions. 

RBAC for IT Users: Let's go one step further and understand how Outsystems security extends role-based access control to IT teams. It defines distinct roles with explicit permissions tailored for different environments. For instance, developers may have limited production deployment rights compared to operations roles. 

Brute Force Attack Protection: To incorporate mechanisms to mitigate brute force attacks in OutSystems, administrators can configure settings specifying the number of failed login attempts before implementing backoff or blocking periods, fortifying security against unauthorized access attempts. 

Enforced HTTPS: OutSystems security ensures safe communication between mobile apps and server endpoints by mandating HTTPS and encrypting all data transmissions. For high-compliance OutSystems Cloud configurations, HTTPS enforcement is extended to web applications, guaranteeing secure communication channels. 

Application and System Auditing: The platform provides built-in monitoring tools that collect and present comprehensive data about running applications. This includes logs related to application activities, errors, screen requests, integrations, business processes, and security audits, facilitating comprehensive system monitoring. 

Version Control and Auditing: Maintaining a meticulous version control system is effortless, allowing auditors to trace modifications made to applications. It offers detailed insights into user actions, infrastructure modifications, and precise content changes through visual difference and merges tools in Service Studio. 

Vulnerability Management: One of the major concerns that developers face is the rigorous monitoring of vulnerabilities in both the product and the generated code. Outsystems services shines here by adopting a continuous delivery approach and proactively releasing incremental updates and security fixes in OutSystems Cloud, thus ensuring minimal disruptions while keeping infrastructure updated with the latest security enhancements. 

Securing Your Application: Design and Runtime Considerations 

Reducing your application's vulnerability begins with thoughtful considerations during both the design and runtime phases. 

Design Phase Best Practices

  • Authentication: Enforce strong password policies, integrate with robust identity management solutions, and mandate SSL encryption along with secure cookie practices. 
  • Authorization: Implement fine-grained access control mechanisms, define module-level permissions meticulously, and treat access control as a structured set of rules. 
  • Encryption: Prioritize data encryption across all stages - in transit, at rest, and during storage. 
  • Secure Application Assets: Enforce security measures consistently instead of providing user leniency. Regularly audit, maintain, and monitor security assets for vulnerabilities. 

Runtime Security Measures 

  • Data Security: Follow industry standards rigorously to prevent data leaks. Apply encryption to storage and databases while avoiding insecure SQL operations. 
  • Infrastructure Security: Utilize intrusion detection systems, employ Denial-of-Service mitigation services, and conduct frequent risk assessments to maintain compliance. 
  • Vulnerability Assessment: Regularly run OWASP vulnerability checks, perform penetration testing, and conduct thorough code analysis and reviews with significant releases. 
  • Security Monitoring: Employ continuous monitoring mechanisms, adopting Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) frameworks for proactive breach detection and mitigation. 

Security Best Practices at Design Phase

Security Best Practices at Runtime


Data Security

- Enforce complex passwords

- Apply industry standards

- Limit password attempts

- Encrypt storage and databases

- Integrate identity management

- Avoid insecure SQL operations

- Use SSL encryption


- Enforce secure cookies



Infrastructure Security

- Employ fine-grained mechanisms

- Use intrusion detection systems

- Implement module-level authorization

- Employ DoS mitigation services

- Define clear access control rules

- Conduct regular risk assessments



Vulnerability Assessment

- Encrypt data at all stages

- Run OWASP checks


- Conduct penetration testing

Secure Application Assets

- Perform code analysis with releases

- Enforce security consistently


- Regularly audit and monitor assets


Security Monitoring


- Continuously monitor applications


- Adopt a SIEM framework for breach detection


Adhering to these practices across design and runtime phases fortifies your application's defenses, significantly reducing its attack surface and enhancing overall security. 


In today's digital landscape, precision is critical and nailing down the details is everything. When you lay down these best practices, you're putting up shields for your apps right from the start, keeping cyber threats at bay. Implementing these best practices allows you to minimize your applications' vulnerability to cyber threats from the very inception of your app's planning stage. 

EvonSys is your expert ally in maximizing OutSystems' potential for robust app security, unlocking the full potential for airtight app security. With our custom solutions and deep know-how, you can be ensured that your apps can handle whatever comes their way. Plus, with EvonSys by your side, you're not just getting help; you're getting an entire support system to shield your apps. Let's connect and level up your app security!  

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